Dr. Ricardo Lopez was a Senior Researcher at the Applied Economics Clinic. He has over 15 years of experience conducting research in economics. He is an expert in economic models, econometrics, and policy analysis. He has published more than 20 articles in refereed journals such as the Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics, the Canadian Journal of Economics, Economics Letters, World Development, the Journal of Regional Science, the Journal of Development Studies, and the Review of International Economics. He also co-edited the Handbook on Trade and Development (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015) with Oliver Morrissey and Kishor Sharma.
Prior to joining the Applied Economics Clinic, Dr. Lopez was a full-time faculty member at Brandeis International Business School (Waltham, MA), and before that at Indiana University (Bloomington, IN). He also worked for the Chilean government as an economic adviser for four years. He has a PhD in economics and a master’s degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a BA in economics from the University of Chile.