Photo Credit: GreenNewton
Client: Conservation Law Foundation
Liz Stanton, PhD
February 2018
On behalf of Conservation Law Foundation, Clinic Director and Senior Economist Liz Stanton, PhD, provided an Applied Economics Clinic testimony in Docket No. D.P.U-17-145. Dr. Stanton provided an expert opinion as to whether or not The Berkshire Gas Company's application for natural gas transportation agreements are consistent with the Company's energy portfolio objectives, the adequacy of alternatives considered and the consistency with Massachusetts state environmental policies. She concluded that The Berkshire Gas Company does not provide sufficient evidence to demonstrate that their proposed natural gas transportation contracts align with their shared objective to provide the least-cost supply and demand resource mix.
This testimony is one of four on behalf of Conservation Law Foundation that examined the consistency of the applications with each Company's energy portfolio objectives, the adequacy of alternatives considered, and the consistency with Massachusetts state environmental policies.