Author: Joshua R. Castigliego
December 2023
To support AEC’s emissions accounting work, Researcher Joshua R. Castigliego developed a spreadsheet-based tool—AEC's Emissions Measurement Inventory Tool (AEC-EMIT)—that provides users with an interface to build a greenhouse gas emissions inventory (and 20-year emissions projections) for a specific geographic region. Users can customize the tool by selecting greenhouse gases, sectors, subsectors, scenarios, sensitivities, and other information specific to their inventory. Users are also provided a dashboard to toggle select assumptions and parameters (e.g., global warming potentials, scenarios, and sensitivities, etc.). Summary tabs aggregate results across sectors and can be used to provide disaggregated sub-sector-specific results.
AEC-EMIT was utilized for AEC’s analysis on Puerto Rico’s 2019 and 2021 Greenhouse Gas Inventories Report.